Soal Adjective clause dan Jawaban ( Exercise 2)

Exercise 2 ( Adjective clause)

Combine the two sentences using adjective clause (which, whom, who, where, that, whose)
1. Mr Hadi is our teacher. We like him very much.
Mr Hadi whom I like him very much is our teacher
2. Solo is a town. I studied there in 1990.
Solo is a town where I studied there in 1990
3. Do you know the woman ?My father gave her some money yesterday.
Do you know the woman whose father gave her some money yesterday?
4. Monday is the day. I was born on that day.
Monday is the day which/that I was born on that day
5. That is the girl . Her money was robbed near the bank last night.
That is the girl whose money was robbed near the bank last night
6. Do you know my book? I bought it last week.
Do you know my book which/that I bought last week
7. Mr. Black is the writer. His book are widely read.
Mr. Black whose books are widely read is the writer
8. The bike is mine. It is in the garage
The Bike which is in the garage is mine

9. The man is my friend. He works in the bank.

The man who works in the Bank is my friend
10. The boy lives near my house. His father died last week.
The boy whose father died last week lives near my house

7 respons untuk ‘Soal Adjective clause dan Jawaban ( Exercise 2)

  1. wisnu November 29, 2012 / 4:23 pm

    kok ngga ada jawabannya???

  2. edi p Juni 1, 2013 / 1:33 am

    wuahhhhhhh,,,,,, ada blog bebeb endahhhhh

  3. iendah lestari November 30, 2013 / 1:15 am

    Awalnya, saya memang tak memberikan jawabanya,-tapi ada reader (yg sudah saya trash komenya) menginginkan sekali ada nya jawaban. saya akhirnya mem post soal dan jawaban soal diatas ini.
    terimakasih atas kritik dan saranya 🙂

  4. Dian Pn Februari 19, 2014 / 1:13 pm

    blog ini sngt mmbntu sbgai mdia bljar

  5. A. Kei November 9, 2014 / 7:08 am

    Thank you

  6. flaviana mai Maret 8, 2015 / 1:23 pm

    soal no 3 tolong dicek lagi yaa ms indah,….

    • iendah lestari Maret 22, 2015 / 5:37 am

      sudah saya check, thanks

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